Ehime University
Yamamoto Lab.

Research areas

Research areas

Features of Yamamoto Laboratory

Solids composed of crystals and amorphous materials are indispensable to our daily lives because they exhibit electrical conductivity, magnetism, optical properties, thermal properties, and other functions.  Solid-state materials have also been synthesized that exhibit outstanding or multiple properties. A good example is the series of research that began with high-temperature superconductivity and conductive polymers.

However, even problems introduced in textbooks for solid-state materials, such as superconductivity, in which two charges (electrons) are thought to pair up, and the three-body problem, in which three charges (electrons) are thought not to pair up, have not yet been fully elucidated. To answer these questions, researchers in theoretical physics, condensed matter physics, and synthetic chemistry are conducting various studies.

By combining the approaches of molecular spectroscopy and molecular crystallography, which have received little attention from researchers, we are working to elucidate how electrons, molecules, and their constituent elements contribute to the functionality of materials.